When booking an appointment you can either call (920)386-8042 or visit keepigitcute.net to book online. Currently we will be going by appointment only, This means my work hours will stay the same, I just wont be at the salon those full work hours unless I have appointments schedualed. Due to this I would appreciate you guys booking ahead of time.
If you call to book an appointment and no one answers please try and see if there is availabilities online or email me at nayeligonzalez@keepingitcute.net.
AFTER Grand Opening I can be found at he salon from open till close. Stay tune for more updates.
Work hours are as followed:
Monday- 12 PM to 8 PM
Tuesday- 9AM to 4:30 PM
Wednesday- 12 to 8 PM
Thursday and Friday- 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Saturday and Sunday- CLOSED
Hope this information helps out a bit and I canāt wait to see you guys here!
Nayeli Gonzalez Garcia